March 16, 2024

Why Your Water Is Keeping You Sick

min read

I’ll let you in on a secret.

You might be drinking the wrong water, and it’s most likely draining your energy, keeping you sick, dehydrated, and holding you back from reaching your full potential.

Imagine waking up every day with boundless energy, free from aches and pains, with the strength and endurance to take on anything. It all starts with understanding the water you drink—because the right water can transform your health in ways you’ve never imagined.

I’m about to drop 3 water habits that’ll give you more energy than a $10,000 health retreat. Stick around, and I’ll share the exact water protocol that’ll transform your life.

Water is the foundation of life, yet so many of us unknowingly drink contaminated water every day. I was once in that same boat—constantly tired, not realizing that the water I trusted was actually harming me.

Tap water is loaded with stuff you don’t want, like chlorine, fluoride, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals like lead, and even chemicals like pesticides.

Well water used to be clean and fresh.
Now, farming and factories make it dirty.

Bottled water is a deceptive veil of purity.
Even spring water has trace amounts of pesticides.

The problem with water is you’re probably as lost as I once was. The most common question I get is, how do you get the best water to fully unlock your energy and life force? How do you get pure water rich in life force and free from all impurities?

Well, that brings us to the first habit: Understand how to get pure water into your cells. When you do, you heal from within.

Getting Water Into The Cells

The real challenge isn’t drinking more water; it’s ensuring the water you drink actually nourishes your cells. Many people drink plenty but still feel dehydrated because the water they consume isn’t easily absorbed.

I meet people who drink a lot.
You might be drinking enough for your body size, but constantly having to visit the bathroom. And then it makes you wonder, "Am I drinking too much?"

It’s not that you’re drinking “too much” it’s the kind of water you’re drinking.

You want water that is in the best optimal state, pure, and structured.
In nature nearly all water is structured water. Especially moving water filled with life force.

Structured water refers to water that has a specific molecular arrangement.

Structured water that’s free of chemicals and contaminates heals you, hydrates you, and gives you life force. Structured water allows the water to get into the cells at a much better rate.

The main point is you want to make it a habit to drink water that has the ability to soak into cells. It’s not about the amount you drink; it’s about cell absorption and use.

You can drink a lot.
Without cell absorption, it’s useless.
It won’t help your cells function right.

Pure water is key for hydration, energy, and nutrient absorption. The best way? Distillation—tried and tested by me (and many thousands of people around the world).

Having a water distiller is my go to - it’s the #1 investment you can do for your health!
I’ve laid out exactly how distillation works and why it’s the only water worth drinking. No fluff, just facts inside my water protocol.

Most people are clueless about how critical it is to drink the right water. What you drink is as vital as how you sleep. If your water isn’t pure enough to fuel your cells, you’re not living at your peak.

Your body is 50-75%+ water, depending on your gender, age, and fitness level.

Men have more water than women, lean people have more than the overweight, and as you age, water levels drop. Water fuels everything—your blood, digestion, muscles, even your bones.

But your body can’t store it, so you need to refill your body every day. How much? That depends on how hard you push yourself working out, your metabolism, the weather where you live, and what you eat.

Water isn’t just water—it’s the foundation of your health.
The right water protocol can transform your entire life.

So how do we improve water absorption in our cells? Knowing this secret leads to better hydration and improved health.

It’s simple: Distillation and then getting the water to be structured.

At 5:00 AM every morning, I start my day with a glass of perfectly structured water.

The reason almost all water you have access to drink is unstructured is that it’s put through pipes, pressed, compressed, and put through filtration systems. Even most of the very expensive waters on the market isn’t structured water.

To supercharge your water I go through all the methods and steps inside the water protocol: Light, laser-focused intention, sound, crystals, minerals, pyramids, vortexing, sacred geometry, and electromagnetism. All power, no fluff.

When you drink pure and Structured water and follow the other two simple habits I’ll share with you in a moment … your body will become hydrated. You’ll flood your cells with water at the deepest level.

The reason is simple: your body and cells crave Structured water because it’s aligned with your natural biology. Structured water is more easily absorbed, fuels cellular function faster, and supercharges your energy levels. It’s like giving your body exactly what it was designed to thrive on—no wasted effort, just pure efficiency. Your cells recognize it, absorb it quicker, and you start operating at peak performance. Structured water has been proven in science.

My favorite way to get structured water is through vortexing. You can buy a simple device that you pour your distilled water into and let it vortex for 5-7 minutes.

People often ask, "Does distilled water take minerals from our bodies?" It's a big question!
The answer: Absolutely, not.
Research shows it doesn’t steal our important minerals.

Plants are the best source of minerals for our bodies. They turn soil minerals into a form we can actually use, which helps build strong bones, healthy blood, and nerves that fire on all cylinders.

Lacking the right minerals?
Your body and mind suffer.

Tap water, though, is full of minerals your body can’t use—bad minerals that lead to health issues like arthritis, diabetes, cellular disfunction, and so many other negatives. Hard tap water is even worse, clogging arteries and causing even more long-term damage.

Even bottled and filtered water have junk your body hates, filled with contaminants. In the U.S., tap water can have up to 1,000 contaminants per million—bad news for your health.

So, here’s the deal: stick to the minerals from clean food.

If anyone tells you distilled water strips away minerals, ignore them. If you eat a solid diet, you’re getting all the minerals you need. Distilled water is pure, free of contaminants, and helps your body absorb nutrients better, making you stronger and healthier.

Don’t stress about losing minerals—your diet covers it. Distilled water is as nature intended: clean, pure, and perfect for keeping you at the top of your game. Distilled water doesn’t leach minerals; it removes the junk your body doesn’t need by delivering pure water straight into your cells.

First habit: Master getting water into your cells.
Start with pure water (use a distiller), then structure it (I use a simple vortexing device).

Next in the water habits? Salt.

This Secret Mineral Combo Changed Everything

Sea water is a gift from nature.

Healthy salt, like a hand-harvested Celtic salt, typically contains over 80 minerals and trace elements. These include essential minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron, along with trace elements like zinc, copper, and manganese. The exact mineral content can vary depending on the specific source and harvesting process.

Your body needs 15-16 essential minerals daily—major minerals and trace minerals:

  • Major minerals: Needed in large amounts, these include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chloride, potassium, and sulfur.
  • Trace minerals: Required in smaller doses, these include iron, copper, zinc, selenium, iodine, chromium, manganese, and molybdenum.

Simple as that. Get them right, and your body will thank you.

Factories mess up sea salt.
They take away the good stuff, leaving bad salt that's not pure. And they add in toxic crap you don’t want either!

Table salt doesn’t have the helpful minerals that natural salts like hand harvested Celtic salt does. Bad salt can lead to health problems like high blood pressure.

Our cells need balance. They use sodium and potassium to work right. Sodium stays mostly outside the cells; potassium stays mostly inside. They help cells use water and nutrients. They work together like a team. This helps keep a good balance. It lets cells stay hydrated and send signals properly.

The reason I emphasize hand harvested Celtic sea salt is simple: if you can’t get water into your cells, it doesn’t matter how many minerals you consume—they won’t be absorbed or utilized effectively. Without proper hydration at the cellular level, all those essential minerals go to waste, leaving your body deprived of what it truly needs to function at its peak.

Bad diets mess this up as well. Too little fruits and veggies and too much bad salt hurts your cells. It will make you sick with problems like high blood pressure.

Good salts like hand harvested Celtic are the heroes. They save the good stuff that normal salt loses. Hand harvested Celtic salt, especially rich in magnesium—a mineral essential for cellular hydration—is particularly effective.

How you take Celtic salt is crucial, so listen up.

Before drinking water, put a small salt crystal on your tongue.
Your mouth will quickly absorb the minerals, like magnesium.

Don't mix salt in your water; put it directly on your tongue.
After it dissolves, drink half a cup of water. Repeat throughout the day.

You have to change your perspective:

  1. Salt of the earth → Salt of the cell
  2. Worth its weight in gold → Worth its weight in minerals
  3. Take it with a grain of salt → Take it with a crystal of Celtic
  4. You are what you eat → You are what your cells absorb
  5. Too much of a good thing → Too little of the best thing
  6. Balance is key → Minerals are the key to balance
  7. A drop in the ocean → A crystal for your cells
  8. Health is wealth → Minerals are your true wealth
  9. Nourish your body → Nourish your cells
  10. Pure as the driven snow → Pure as hand-harvested salt

Habit Two: Supercharge your cells with Celtic salt.

Next in the water habits? Ormus.

Why 70% of Your Supplements Go to Waste

Feeling drained despite trying every supplement out there? You’re not alone.

The single most powerful habit for optimal hydration and energy:
Powering up with Ormus.

Over the last 3 years, I’ve added Ormus to my water every single morning—and along the way, I’ve:

  • Tested countless supplements
  • Refined my water protocol

But I always return to hydration and cellular absorption.
Ormus is the most powerful liquid mineral on earth.
Yet you shouldn’t take a superfood like this until you can unlock cellular absorption.

Once you get cellular absorption then you truly set yourself up to thrive.

Add Ormus to your water for maximum impact, but only after you’ve locked in these two habits:

  1. Master getting water into your cells.
  2. Supercharge your cells with Celtic salt.

If you can’t get a premium supplement into your cells due to lack of pure water and proper cellular function, you’re throwing money away. Over 70% of supplements get flushed out if they can’t penetrate your cells (you’re literally just pissing them away when you go to the bathroom).

One way to boost absorption is with a spoonful of honey or eating a piece of fruit before your supplement intake. The natural sugars, proteins, and nutrients can help make the supplements more bioavailable, ensuring your body can better utilize them.

The real OG move? Optimize water and cell absorption to maximize your nutrient intake. In today’s toxic world, the more nutrients you can absorb, the stronger you’ll be.

Ormus is the secret weapon—a powerful mineral supplement that enhances your energy, boosts mental clarity, and supports cellular regeneration. It’s like rocket fuel for your body, taking your hydration and overall well-being to the next level.

Don’t waste your money on the Ormus I use unless your cells are ready to absorb it.

If you’ve grabbed my Water Protocol, you’re now equipped to fully absorb supplements and nutrients (thanks to habits 1 and 2). This means you can skip the hassle, save yourself pain, and cash in by using just one powerful supplement—Ormus.

And not just any Ormus—you want the pure, mineral-dense stuff sourced from the best places on earth. Why? Because low-quality junk harms you more if your cells absorb it (which, with everything I’ve taught you here, your body will absorb fully). Quality is everything.

Stop wasting time on magic pills or miracle foods that claim to reverse aging and disease. The real, science-backed secret to lifelong vitality and unmatched energy is right here. If your supplements and food nutrients aren’t getting into your cells, you’re running on empty.

Get my water protocol, and you’ll start feeling like a new person. This isn’t just a routine—it’s a transformation. The water protocol dives deep, giving you the exact steps to flood your cells with pure, life-changing hydration. Every step in there is designed to supercharge your energy, sharpen your focus, and elevate your entire well-being. It’ll literally change your cell structure, boosting nutrient absorption and hydration like never before.

The benefits are endless—perfect sleep, peak health, razor-sharp focus, true happiness, and more. Water is the first step to living in harmony with nature.

Ready to transform your health? Comment ‘Water King’ below, and I’ll personally send you the link to my water protocol. Don’t miss out on this game-changing guide!

These three habits are king:

  1. Master getting water into your cells.
  2. Supercharge your cells with Celtic salt.
  3. Power Up with Ormus.

Once I locked in these three habits and dialed in my water protocol, I became a completely new man. You can literally feel it pulling the garbage out of your body and healing you from the inside out. Honestly, nothing else compares.

We’re mostly water, so drink the best.

Everyone’s chasing hacks and shortcuts to heal—forget all that BS. Start with pure water.

Again … comment “Water King” below, and I’ll send you my water protocol link.

Until next time, be relentless.
Peace out, my friends.